About Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord extends from brain to lower back and is a bundle of nerve cells and fibers that acarries messages from the brain to the body as well as from the body to the brain. The spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column. The 4 regions of the vertebral column include the 7 cervical vertebrae (protecting 8 cervical nerves), 12 thoracic vertebrae (protecting 12 thoracic nerves), 5 lumbar vertebras (protect 5 lumbar nerves) and 5 sacral vertebras (protecting 5 sarcal nerves). Trauma to spinal cord result from a direct injury or injury to surrounding bones, tissues, and blood vessels. It occurs when there is damage to the cells of the spinal cord or severs to the nerve tracts that relay signals up and down the spinal cord.

the complications you may encounter and how to prevent them

Some complications to be aware of are.....
-> Autonomic dyreflexia (blood pressure changes)
-> loss of bladder and bowel control
-> developing capral tunnel
-> paralysis and decrease sensation causing an increase chance of injury to certain areas impacted
-> fractures
-> hetertopic ossification leading to joint problems
-> osteoporosis
-> cancers
-> cardiovasuclar isses (blood clots, heart disease, edema)
-> dehydration
-> diabetes
-> fatigue and shock
-> gastrointestinal problems
-> increase risk of urinary tract infection
-> infections
-> medication side effects
-> pain
-> pressure ulcers (decubiti)
-> respiratory issues
-> loss of sexual functioning
-> skin breakdown
-> sleep apnea
-> spasticity

Good ways to prevent these secondary conditions is by:
- eating a well balanced diet for healthy skin, urinary tract, and bowel function
- changing positions in the wheelchair or bed to prevent pressure sores
- exercise to improve respiratory function, increase bone strength, regulate bodily function, and improve spasticity
- drink water throughout the day
- do not smoke because it can constrict blood vessels and make it harder for blood to flow. Smoking also impacts respiratory health
- having regular skin examination

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